Wednesday 9 January 2013

30 Day Shred!

Hello Bloggers! I hope you are all well.

Sticking with a similar theme to my last post, I am going to again talk about exercising!

On youtube and instagram, I follow a woman called Kate (katethisiswhatido). She posted a picture on Instagram about the '30 day shred' (by Jillian Michael) work out, and I was intruged to find out what this was. Reading down on the comments I saw that you could watch the workout on Youtube!

I have been giving the 30 Day Shred a good trial via the Youtube video, and couldn't resist purchasing the hard copy on DVD! I was finding the workout do-able, but was feeling the benefits from it too. As silly as it may sound, I like to feel a little bit achy, so I know the exercising has actually done something! Ha.  

I am on day 5, and am so far very impressed. The workout is designed to combine strength, cardio and abs workouts, all in one 20 minute session. There are 3 stages to the work out. Each stage should be followed for 10 days each in order. If you complete the workout effectively, and keep pushing yourself the whole way through, it claims to shred pounds, and give you more muscle tone. From the picture above, it boasts that you could 'lose up to 20 in 30 days!'.

Each 20 minute workout contains :
*One 2 minute warm up
*Three 6 minute circuits featuring Jillian's 3-2-1 system:
*3 minutes of strength
*2 minutes of cardio
*1 minute of abs
*one minute cool down

As I am only on day 5, I am yet to see any visual effects, but I know something is working due to the fact my muscles ache!

It has only occured to me today, that perhaps I should measure myself, so that by the time 30 days it up, I can see physically how much my body has changed.

My measurements on day 5 (before working out):

Thigh at largest point - 20 1/2 inches
Calf at largest point - 14 inches
Waist at largest point - 28 inches
Hips at largest point - 32 inches
Chest at largest point (below bust) 31 inches
I am not doing this workout to lose weight, but to be more toned, and feel fitter in myself.
I shall keep you updated, and if you decide to do the 30 day shred, let me know how you get on!! Good luck.
Please check out my youtube channel if you have a spare few minutes! Beautifulflutterbyss, and follow me on Instagram - charlottestanley13
My mum also has a blog! check her out :)

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